Hillsborough will host its first Fentanyl Awareness Day Saturday in an effort to advocate for responsible drug use and provide safety information, led by efforts of the city’s recently established youth commission.

Rohan Dalal, a senior at Crystal Springs Uplands School and founder of the Hillsborough Youth Commission, first became interested in local government by way of his involvement in Model United Nations in seventh grade. He started the commission with hopes of creating a space for young people in the community to have a voice. 


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(2) comments

Terence Y

As brewster1 pointed out, is there any such thing as responsible fentanyl drug outside of a doctor’s prescription/guidance? Speaking of responsibility, perhaps this event can shed light on any liability or criminal actions associated with injecting NARCAN into someone. In this day and age of litigation what’s to stop anyone from filing a civil suit, or a DA filing a criminal suit against someone for potentially saving a life? Are folks willing to get involved and take on that responsibility instead of waiting for authorized/certified NARCAN injectors? Meanwhile, will awareness encompass the porous border bringing more fentanyl to America?


Responsible fentanyl use by teenagers is an oxymoron

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