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U.S. Supreme Court won’t take up Orange County judge’s case

Kim Shepard
Red Huber / Orlando Sentinel
Kim Shepard

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case of an Orange County judge who sent misleading fliers to voters during her 2014 campaign.

Circuit Judge Kim Shepard used an Orlando Sentinel endorsement from 1994, when she ran for re-election to a Florida House of Representatives seat. The mailer sent in 2014 did not mention the date of the endorsement or the fact that the Sentinel endorsed her opponent in the judicial race.

The Florida Supreme Court ordered a public reprimand and suspended her for 90 days without pay. Shepard received the punishments but appealed the court’s decision, arguing that it infringed on her right to free speech.

Shepard is back on the bench in an Orange County criminal courtroom. or 407-420-5774

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