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Jessica Gomez for Governor

Jessica Gomez for Governor

Jessica Gomez for Governor

Having experienced homelessness as a teenager, Jessica Gomez continus her focus on developing solutions to Oregon’s housing insecurity problems

As Governor, I will pledge myself to a complete reform of the way we address homelessness in Oregon to make sure we have the right resources, in the right places to give people a pathway out.
— Jessica Gomez
PORTLAND, OREGON, UNITED STATES, February 18, 2022 / -- Having experienced homelessness as a teenager in the early 1990s, Republican Candidate for Governor Jessica Gomez continued her focus on developing solutions to Oregon’s housing insecurity problems during a visit to the Portland area earlier this week. Gomez has made developing a comprehensive program to address the growing homeless problem a top priority and is seeking to provide solutions that will address the root causes that can force people to live in the streets.

“Oregon’s political leadership has failed all of us by increasing the cost of housing through higher property taxes, creating System Development Charges, limiting where new housing can be built and instituting onerous – and expensive - building regulations,” Gomez noted. “At the same time, these ‘leaders’ refuse to provide sufficient resources or effective programs to reduce the causes of housing insecurity. While we need to provide more housing and more shelters, that alone does nothing to address what’s leading to an unhoused population in the first place. We need a forward-thinking Governor with a much broader vision.”

On Monday, February 14, Gomez met with Kevin Fitts of the Oregon Mental Health Consumers Association, and Reina Bower, Terry Leckron-Myers and Sunny Briscoe representing the Mental Health & Addiction Association of Oregon (MHAAO). Gomez learned of the important work the two organizations are doing in outreach, particularly their development of a robust “peer support” network. This network gives those who have recovered from addiction or other challenges that might lead to homelessness a role in reaching out to those facing life on the streets and gives a person in crisis someone to talk with who shares some of their experience. An effort can then be made to address any immediate challenges a homeless person might face – such as proper clothing or a wet sleeping bag – in the hopes of developing a relationship of trust that can lead to opportunities for treatment or perhaps diagnosis of a mental health issue. However, the lack of recovery programs is hampering this last, important step.

on Tuesday, February 15, Gomez met with Bill Russell, Director Emeritus of the Union Gospel Mission, and a recent “First Citizen of Portland.” Russell, who has 30 years of experience in dealing with the challenges presented by addiction and homelessness, discussed the faith-based organization’s outreach and peer support programs, and detailed how it assists in recovery. The UGM provides more than a quarter of a million meals annually to the homeless and other people in need, a drop-in “day room” with coffee and snacks, and assistance with clothing, hygiene items and referral services. It provides shelter during cold winter conditions.

Both meetings discussed the totality of the homelessness problem, and a real concern was the lack of drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs in the City. According to a recent news report from KGW-TV in Portland, Oregon ranks last in the nation for access to alcohol and drug treatment despite having the highest percentage of drug addiction among the 50 States and being ranked 2nd worst for the percentage of the population who are either drug or alcohol addicted.

“It is heartbreaking to see how many people’s lives are simply being wasted because our political leadership refuses to directly address this problem,” Gomez said. “As a taxpayer, it makes me angry that the resources we are spending can’t be used as effectively and aren’t making enough of a dent despite some very dedicated and hard-working advocates. As Governor, I will pledge myself to a complete reform of the way we address homelessness in Oregon to make sure we have the right resources, in the right places to give people a pathway out.”

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Jessica Gomez for Governor

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