TCS - Joe Biden

President Joe Biden speaks to reporters during a Feb. 8, 2024 press conference.

“Citizenship without emotional attachment is the equivalent of a one-night stand.” – Stanley Renshon

It is no secret that the backbone of the Democratic Party has been heavily reliant on a motley crew of voters for the last few decades. They have maintained younger voters and many identity groups by catering to their needs on platforms that rescue them from a society that does not relate to their erratic idiosyncrasies. These groups depend on government more than any other voting coterie.

Democrats have played this balancing act successfully for years. They've been able to mix and mingle the demands of a youth movement with those of wealthy liberal elitists, orthodox Jews, big city urban minorities, entertainment stars, tech oligarchs, climateers and LBGTQs. It's taken a circus tightrope act to have kept this diverse flock of characters voting for Democrats.

Young voters are still tipping the scales toward the win column for Democrats. But victories in highly competitive places like Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Wisconsin will get tougher. Voters under 30 voted Democrat by 28 points, which was a 7-point drop from the 2018 midterm elections.

"I don't belong to an organized political party. I am a Democrat." – Will Rogers

Among Democratic voter groups, turnout varied also. Younger people may have turned out at a level higher than expected, but so did women, college-educated and Latino voters. Poll exit data revealed that the Roe vs. Wade decision drove the turnout in the places where it mattered most. It was those in favor of abortion, not a single group, that led the Democrats wave last election.

That same dynamic surfaced in AP Votecast’s measure of vote choice based on age. A total of 53% of voters under the age 30 supported Democrats compared to the 41% that voted for GOP candidates. That margin is down from 2020 and 2018, when the margins were 25 points higher.

Although the majority of independents are disgruntled Democrats who fear reregistering with the GOP and usually vote Democrat, you'd think that these numbers would serve as a wake up call for the left? Judging by what President Joe Biden is doing by importing all these illegal aliens and romancing them to become the future of his party, Democrats have a lot to learn about sustaining loyalty to their party.

In 1996, Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, requiring migrants to wait five years before they could access Medicaid, food stamps and other federal programs. It passed in both Houses by 3-to-1 margins and then President Bill Clinton signed into law.

"I like the job a lot. I'm not sure anybody ever enjoyed this job as much as I have." – Bill Clinton

Amid a highly unpopular immigration and border crisis caused by Biden and the Democrats disastrous policies, Democrats in the House and Senate this week introduced a bill that would give illegal migrants immediate access to most federal benefits instead of making them wait five years.

Under the bill sponsored by Reps. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash, Tony Cardenas, D-Calif., and Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, that five-year waiting period would no longer apply. Democrats said the five-year waiting period makes it harder for immigrants to obtain federal benefits and services. It is also a "hardship on them since so many of them came here with no means of financial support."

During his State of the Union, Biden pledged never to cut a single Medicare benefit. He obviously has a short memory. Seniors and those with disabilities will be hurt the most since funding for this gift to illegal migrants comes from over 33 million seniors who just lost their Medicare Advantage programs.

"I vow to take out anybody who dares to try and cut any part of Medicare on my watch." – Joe Biden

Medicare Parts A and B cover hospital stays and doctor visits, but with co-pays. Recipients must buy Medigap plans for full coverage. With Medicare Advantage plans, all of these benefits come with a lower out-of-pocket cost to the beneficiary. This includes drugs, eye care, and even dental.

CMS’s cuts to the Medicare Advantage program will drive up costs for the average beneficiary by nearly $400 per year. This isn’t just bad policy, its rotten politics. In an election year when 72% of the seniors will vote, that can easily make the difference in hotly contested races across the U.S.

Democrats claim the GOP is eager to cut Medicare. But that's a lie and a half! Medicare was a pure entitlement program that paid for care as needed. To sell Obamacare to gullible voters, Democrats imposed huge budget caps on Medicare. Medicare spending used to grow at the same rate of GDP as any other health insurance. Obama cut future Medicare spending in half by tying it to the growth of GDP; although data supports gross domestic product affects all health insurance costs equally.

Just when we thought Biden’s border and inflation crisis couldn’t get any worse, Biden wants to cut $450,000 checks for illegal immigrants paid for by hardworking American taxpayers. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, a combat veteran said, "That’s more than families receive when a relative is killed in action.” Ernst is the most vocal senator against Joe Biden's out-of-control immigration policies.

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., and Ernst have partnered introducing both a standalone bill and an amendment to the annual defense bill – the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 – to prevent Biden's reckless taxpayer-funded payments to all current and future illegal aliens.

With Americans highly dissatisfied with Biden's open borders and the socioeconomic problems he has caused within our states, this plan could mean suicide for the Democrats beyond next election. With their fragile coalition of identity and special interest groups, there will not be enough money in the public treasury for them to fill everyone's wish list. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

Gary Johnson told us: "A wasted vote is voting for somebody you don't believe in." These rank and file special interest and identity groups have been faithfully voting Democrat simply because they play follow the leader. There is no doubt that many of them are going to think twice before they pull the lever next election. When it is revealed how much of the voters' tax dollars are being given to illegal migrants instead of them, they will realize they've been sold out by their own party. Party loyalty will end when they realize that their party only cares about them voting Democrat on Election Day.

The left has been feeding identity and special interest groups a bill of goods for decades, keeping them dependent on hand outs from the Democratic Party. They have simply been trading votes for big government. When they have no more tax dollars to barter with them, voters will run from them like chickens do when the fox has found a way to sneak into the hen house through the back door.

“Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.” – Pearl S. Buck